100 Happy Days: Week 11
This week was so very exciting for so many different reasons. As we inch closer to the wedding, each RSVP that we receive makes the whole thing feel so much more real. As a result, we are starting to really buckle down with our to do list so that our guests don't show up to an empty venue on the day!I feel so blessed to have had such an awesome week, which ended with the most perfect day spent with my little X (the guy I babysit). Now that he's in his terrible twos phase, some days can be more challenging than others, but this Sunday, he never cried or melted-down once. We had such a fun-filled day, and I am so lucky to have this awesome kid in my life. I love watching him grow and can't wait to get to know him even better with each year that passes.So without further ado, here are my photos from my last week of #100HappyDays, where literally every single day was filled with special moments and memories:
We also celebrated Father's Day this weekend, and although we weren't able to see them, Will and I both sent our fathers our love (all three of them!). I am so blessed to have such awesome and supportive fathers, and I can't wait for them all to celebrate with us at our wedding this summer.