Staying productive at work
Every day when I leave from work, Will reminds me to have a #productive day. As embarrassing as it is to admit that we actually say the word "hashtag," it really is a wonderful way to send me off to work, as it reminds me to be on the ball and make the most of my time in the office.If you remember from a while ago, I created a DIY to do checklist list for staying productive throughout the week. Now that I have my Get To Work Book, I no longer need a personal checklist, but I have found that I am using the old one all the time at work to stay focused on my daily goals and tasks.I figured it was time for a revamp, as I am no longer using the goal or weekend section, and needed more space for work to do list items.So revamp I did. Here is the finished design:
I like the simple layout with the check boxes (because that's the best part about keeping a to do list), coupled with the two column grid. This will allow me to classify my tasks into things that need to be done immediately and others that I have some more time to complete.I use the "notes" section all the time for general notes on my tasks, things to remember and for a quick space to use for when I get a call, so I decided to keep that section on this version as well.I can't wait to get to work and test it out. If you'd like to give it a whirl, feel free. The PDF is available here: ToDo_SGS